Serving  Benton County, Iowa


Benton County Landfill

7904 20th Ave Blairstown, IA 52209 Ph: 319-454-6392 Email:
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South out of Blairstown on V66, turn West (right) on 78th St, then turn South (left) on 20th Ave until you come to our front gate.

Important County Web Sites

Benton County Government:

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East Central Iowa

Council of Government

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City of Atkins:

City of Belle Plaine:

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City of Newhall:

City of Norway:

City of Shellsburg:

City of Urbana:

City of Van Horne:

City of Vinton:

City of Walford:

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Landfill Manager: Eric Werner
BC Landfill


Benton County Landfill

7904 20th Ave Blairstown, IA 52209 Ph: 319-454-6392 Email:


South out of Blairstown on V66, turn West (right) on 78th St, then turn South (left) on 20th Ave until you come to our front gate.